Dress & Necklace - Bangkok streets/ Shoes - H&M
Earrings - Forever 21/ Rings - Dulce Couture
Even though I'm not a huge fan of straight fit dresses, I looked every single market in Delhi for graphic tees and dresses and found some really cool ones on my recent trip to Thailand. Florals and Graphics were probably the most hot selling trends there, sported on the streets of Bangkok. So this outfit is kinda inspired from there except Thai girls are literally half my size and carry it way better. Trying to be all badass with the whole messy hair, dark eyes and strappy sandals look.
Tried keeping it real simple with a grey te-shirt dress and paired it with minimal accessories. Keeping everything on a low, let me experiment with the eyes. Kohled, smokey eyes with a nude lip colour was perfect to add some character to this look. Since it is a casual outfit, try going for flats, like I did. Instead of wearing chunky, heavy earrings, go for big hoops. The neckpiece adds the much needed colour to the outfit.